Body Language mistakes you must not make during the video interview
No matter how good you are at answering the questions on the digital video interview, your body language could ruin your chances, even more so, with the digital interview recording and analysis by the software developed by HireVue.
The HireVue Digital Video interview scores your body language during the interview process. You are being assessed not by the airline recruiter but by an algorithm developed by HireVue's leading psychologist, Natahan Mondragon who developed the software. As artificial intelligence, it becomes more intelligent the more the airline uses it.
With a HireVue interview, it’s not just about talking about your experience and achievements, or using the STAR technique to answer questions. The focus is on the delivery, and what it reveals beneath the surface. Even simple general questions like 'How much do you know about Dubai or what is your hometown like or why do you want to work here' can reveal a lot of traits about you!
The software is continually assessing the speed of your delivery and your English vocabulary. It will also look at how you are dressed. Your formal dressing plays a very important role in the video interview.
If the recruiter looking at your video recording gets a negative feeling about you, then chances are it'll be down to a body language mistake, such as one or a few of those listed below:
- When answering a question and you glance to the right, this is considered a sign of deception!
- Blinking excessively implies that you aren't able to cope under pressure. It indicates signs of increased anxiety.
- Significant increase in blink rate in response to a question means the response is likely not well thought out. It can also mean you are withholding information or created a response on the fly.
- Staring at your webcam without looking away or blinking is creepy and it just seems you are trying to hard to act naturally.
- If you often do not look at the webcam with your eyes, you give the impression you are just too nervous for the job, too shy or you have something to hide. They also feel you will find it impossible to bond with the team if you don't make good eye contact.
- Squint often means distrust, frustration or anger.
- Drooping eyes - Have you ever talked to someone and got the impression that the person was not listening to you? That is because you saw a lack of eye blinking or what we call a ‘blank stare’ on the person’s face. Another not so obvious signal of boredom is a covert glance up and to the right.
NOTE: For instance, if you are consistent with your eye movement to the left when recalling memories and then, later, suddenly your eyes flick to the right when talking about why you left your last job, it’s an indicator that you have switched to the constructive part of the brain and might be telling a big lie as you do not want the interviewer to know the actual truth.
- Glance to the left when asked a question. This is considered a sign of honesty.
- Keep a comfortable level of eye contact. Only glance away when you start to feel uncomfortable. This shows you are paying attention to the conversation and directing your answer to the panel. It also shows you are relaxed and confident.
if there is abnormal eye movement (compared to previous patterns) it could alert the software to think something might be up!
The way you breath says a lot about your mentality and emotions.
- Take a sudden sharp intake of breath - This shows you are nervous about a certain question or topic that you do not feel comfortable with.
- Short shallow breaths imply sheer panic.
- Calm yourself and take a deep breath before you start the digital interview. The calmer you are, the calmer your breathing will be.
Your hands are one of the most obvious body language mistakes that could give away just how nervous, anxious or even frustrated you are.
- Tap your fingers. Aside from being rude, it shows impatience, boredom and disinterest in the role.
- Point - This comes across as aggressive and domineering.
- Clench your fists - Gives the impression you are intimidating.
- Hide your hands - Often occurs subconsciously when someone is lying or has something to hide.
- Make hand gestures as open hand gestures reveal opens, positivity and honesty.
- Flip your hands as this reflects deliberation and thorough consideration of the question asked.
- Slouch as slouching is rude and shows disinterest, arrogance and even boredom.
- Lean forward, hands on tight as this is viewed as a sign of submission, reflecting nervousness and a desire of wanting the interview to come to an end quickly.
- Hold your opposite arm - this is a clear sign that you are comforting yourself if you feel the interview is not going well for you.
- Cross your arms is a huge no and implies you could be confrontational or arrogant.
- Don't fidget too much as it makes you untrustworthy. When faced with the moment of truth, the candidate will tell a lie to cover himself or herself. The candidate has to go through the age-old fight or flight response.
- Sit up straight in a neutral position showing interest, confidence and great interview etiquette.
- Feel free to cross your legs if it's comfortable for you.
NOTE: The video software can also look out for sudden shifts in posture, moving the head to the side, people picking at their fingers or skin to occupy their hands or even nervous twitches. But most people move when they talk and if the candidate freezes up then chances are they felt the nervous moment coming and are now putting themselves to fight through the encounter. This is a devious individual and may be damaging to hire.
- Don't make sudden changes in voice as it shows deception, and you are telling a lie. The stress of telling a lie to the question asked makes the candidate find himself or herself running short of air or extra nervous / stressed.
- If your speech suddenly slows down, or speeds up, it shows the answer is not coming to you naturally and you are trying to hide something or lie about your answer.
- Don't stammer as that often comes across as you are lying.
Preparation is key to success at both video interviews and final interviews. We offer digital video interview training, provide role plays and suggest ways to improve your interview techniques. We focus on the quality of your answers, delivery, body language, your vocabulary and overall consistency. To find out more, visit our website at:
Preparation for the digital video interview will be key to your success.