Cover letter and CV are your most important marketing documents
A covering letter should always accompany your CV for cabin crew applications unless the airline itself specifically says 'Do not send a covering letter'.
Your cover letter is to introduce your CV to the recruiter, it allows you to explain your reason for applying backed by strong relevant experience and more importantly to encourage them to read your CV.
Your evidence based cover letter should persuade the employer that you are a suitable candidate for the job, highlight evidence for the claims that you make and show your awareness of the cabin crew role for that airline. Remember all airlines have subtle differences.
It is vital that your cover letter is not your CV in summary: it is a marketing document to be used by you to sell yourself to the recruiter. You must try to show how YOU, the CABIN CREW ROLE and the ORGANISATION "fit" or "match" . Don't assume that the reader will do this for you.
A cover letter should make a good first impression - some airline recruiters won't even read the CV if the covering letter is weak - so be sure to think not only of the content but also the final presentation:
- Use a business letter format
- Write no more than one sheet: usually 3 to 4 paragraphs
- Always double check the spelling and grammar. NB if you have to begin with "Dear Sir/Madam" be sure to end with "Yours faithfully"; if you write to a named individual use "Yours sincerely".
- Any special circumstances not covered in your CV may be mentioned, if you wish, in the body of the letter.
We provide help with writing a bespoke cover letter for your cabin crew application. There are many free cabin crew websites that provide standard templates for both CVs and cover letters but using those have their disadvantages as it does not make your marketing documents stand out against the competition. If all marketing documents look the same, yours will not stand out.
If you want to pass at your next attempt and be flying with the airline in 2018, we suggest you avoid using standard templates. I am sure you will agree that waiting 6 months or even a year to re-try is a very long time. So get professional one-to-one help. A tailored CV and cover letter gets you noticed by your recruiter and increases your chance in a very significant way. Let this be your final attempt and in under three months you will undergo training to fly with your dream airline. Take a look at how we can help you.
Do not use free standard templates for CVs and Cover letters.
A tailored cover letter and CV will make you stand-out from the competition.