Etihad expects all aspirants to first apply online and if successful, will get shortlisted and invited to attend an Etihad recorded interview with two very important questions. As Etihad does not hold open days, it is a privilege to be shortlisted to attend this initial virtual interview session online.
What is this new virtual interview?
Applicants submit their CV online on Etihad’s career recruitment website. Etihad then shortlists candidates based on their CVs and those shortlisted will receive an invite to attend a very short virtual interview session. Here, candidates will record answers to two interview questions given to you online. They could be as straightforward as “Tell me about yourself” and “Explain your experience that you have developed in the customer service sector”. Well, they may sound easy if you are speaking to a friend or simply having a go at the questions. In practice, these questions are difficult to score well. And why is that? First, you only have a minute to answer each question which puts candidates under pressure to say the right things. Secondly, selling your skills in a minute each for each question is challenging. Thirdly, the recruiters have all the time in the world to replay and listen to your content, expressions, non-verbal communication i.e. body language, your command for the English language and your overall appearance. This is where we can help you. We run a 90 minute video session coaching you on the content of your answer, the delivery and show you the best way to present your answers with confidence and sell your skills.
To ensure you have a CV that is strong enough to pass the Etihad initial selection process, we suggest you first order our CV writing service. We will help you to organise your own skills and experience and blend it to Etihad’s key requirements. There are 5 key requirements which they look for in all the CVs that they review. If you fall short, chances are your CV will not be selected. Contact us for additional guidance on writing an Etihad cabin crew CV. Do not just list skills in the Skills section. Etihad wants candidates to demonstrate how they evidence the skill that they possess.
The second round will be a team / group exercise: This is again done virtually where you will be asked to be present for at least 4 hours. Here you are divided into two groups. One group will perform the group exercise and the other group will break out into individual interviews with the Etihad recruiter. For the group exercise task usually they will put you in a group of about 15-20 people. The assessors will provide a scenario and ask the group to collectively solve the problem and then share your results. Often, the recruiter will play the role of a dissatisfied customer. The recruiters will assess the conversations and dynamics and decide who gets shortlisted after this group round.
The second group is the break out Teams session - you will get questions based on your own CV, along the lines of tell me a bit about yourself, why you want to be cabin crew, why you want to work specifically for that airline, why they should pick you etc. Come on one of our one-to-one live zoom session, and we will plan for your success and show you how to navigate this interview process.
Anna-Maria in Week 1 in Dubai - Induction week there! Source: Anna Maria’s FB page
2022 SUCCESS STORIES - Featuring AnNa-Maria - CASE STUDY
Anna-Maria took part in our final interview training. She had 2 intensive training sessions (one to one on Zoom) after her Emirates Assessment Day. We covered presentation, body language and effective execution for her answers. Anna-Maria also received training on behavioural style questions where good concise examples were required. We coached her to divide her story to make it interesting for the recruiter, where to pause and slow down. All of these provided her with a very strong foundation for her final interview.
The final interview day came. She took it well and felt confident throughout the session with her Emirates recruiter. The story continues….below.
Anna-Maria in Dubai, Source: Facebook
ANNA-Maria - A week later…
Received a messenger message from Anna-Maria:
”Hello Dave I would like to update you , my status changed in IC on the 9th/11 and I noticed that the status changed only to the people who were called from emirates . So we are just 3 out of 10”.
Another Message from her: “Dave !!! My status changed to joining formalities in progress. And today they called me but I missed the call so they send me an email. Yes it was so fast .. omg I am crying I couldn’t expect this. I was only stupid to miss the call. Thank you for your help!!
I called them back. Dave I am leaving in 2 weeks. Thank you for your support. I thank you a lot for helping for the final interview.”
And finally,
“Dave, they gave me the final approval it s getting real!! I will actually XD cuz they sent me also the visa and ticket.”
Client supplied image - Laura FB.
We focus the interview training on
- speech presentation
- good examples to situational type questions
- interview techniques to be able to answer any questions given to her.
A week before Christmas, Laura came to us for 3 sessions to practice her final interview techniques before her live Emirates Final Interview on Christmas Day. At 22, she only has limited work experience but Emirates was both her passion and her dream. She needed a real boost for her interview. It seems like a challenge but we told her we can work with her to enhance her interview performance. We only had a week to prepare her for the grand final Emirates interview. We wasted no time and dived straight into hardwork.
A week exactly after her Final Interview on Hirevue on Christmas Day
“Dave I received the GC this morning! Yes, I’m soooo happy . My DOJ is January 30!! Thank you so very much!
Dave today I received the Final approval after sending my medicals. I will always remember 25 of December. I want to thank u once again. You are super kind.
I’m so soo happy!”
“I will see you in London definitely . Thank u so so much for you help. “